“We strongly believe that the proposed group has the know-how, the will, the dedication.”
“We encourage the evaluation committee to consider this project proposal favorably.”
“Plasticycle is the start of the change that we wish to see in the Lebanese community.”
“What started as semester project turned into a start-up experience quite naturally addressing sustainability on several levels.”
Research, Innovation
“We are happy to be as a discussion partner for the project.”
“We urge you to financially support this project as it sets purpose for young people to build a better future.”
“We are convinced that Plasticycle will develop as a thriving organisation sharing scientific and environmental knowledge between Lebanon and Switzerland.”
Startup Hub
“We believe that startups tackling sustainability are needed in our country.”
Sorting Centers
“We believe it is worth the investment, and we are ready to help and assist them to reach their goal.”
“We confirm our willingness to collaborate with you for the good of the environment.”
“We can contribute with the possible quantities of plastic waste.”
“We are ready to collaborate by providing all the raw material needed.”
“We hope to work together to create a fully viable Lebanese circular economy.”
“We trust that with mutual goals with Plasticycle, we could reach a better outcome.”
“This project aims to make a change in the Lebanese.”